Internet of Things Guildford January Meetup

Recently the meetup topics have started introducing Blockchain, another technology riding high on the Gartner curve. Blockchain provides an unchangeable record of a series of transactions in a distributed fashion, with no centralised control. It has been used as the basis of crypto currencies like Bitcoin and its possible uses in IoT are actively being investigated. Areas such as the identification of devices, ensuring that data produced by the devices is unchanged, and recording the interaction of devices could lend themselves to solution using Blockchain techniques. You can read more on this here.

Our last meeting on Tuesday 17th January saw Davide Carboni, Blockchain technologist, Bitcoin writer and Scientist present a talk entitled “Journey in Blockchain Land: From hype to production through disillusionment”. This talk was followed and punctuated with a lot of discussion around Blockchain and Bitcoin, smart contracts and Oracles (the bridge between the real and Blockchain world, see this link) and how they may relate to the IoT world.

So, if you are interested in IoT, live in or around Surrey and would like a chance to meet other like-minded individuals then come along to the next meeting and get involved. You can find details of the next meeting on the Meetup website here.

Mark Davison, Terzo Digital, February 2017