SCOC had assembled an impressive panel of experts in IP, all of whom approached the subject matter through different lenses:
- Martyn Buxton-Hoare – Director of Technology Transfer at the University of Surrey. He is effectively a “producer” of output which requires IP protection
- Jim Asher – COO & Co-founder of Coller IP, an IP consultancy advising businesses the value in their IP (sometimes vested in unexpected places) and how to protect and release this IP value.
- Dave Hopkins – Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Refreshingly practical and vigorous in his advice and call to action.
- Paul Openshaw – Openshaw & Co – Patent Attorneys (who push patent applications through the approvals process).
The format of the session was brief presentations from each of the panellists, followed by extensive Q&A from the audience.
Some key takeaway messages from the forum from Terzo’s perspective were as follows:
- These days, its common to apply for patent protection in three key markets: the EU, the US and China. China is taking IP protection increasingly seriously, recognising that it is starting to produce its own patents
- Not all patent attorneys are the same; they each have their own areas of expertise
- Use a patent attorney to write your patents. Writing them yourself in an inexpert manner can be a false economy as it costs considerable sums to submit to the various patent offices and push them through the approval process – cost that could be wasted if the patent is rejected or is not worded correctly.
- The IPO offer free tools online to allow a business to do an IP audit
Getting different perspectives on the subject really helped bring it to life, and gave plenty of food for thought for planning IP strategy.