Company info

Terzo Digital Ltd was incorporated on 31st July 2014.


“Terzo” means “third” in Italian. This reflects the focus of the business – on the so-called “third wave of computing”:

  1. the first wave was the era of mainframes – punched cards and tape, followed by dumb terminals and entire rooms given over to CPUs requiring immense power and cooling requirements.
  2. the second era was that of the client / server model. Client machines would make requests to servers, on which the data and business process logic resided.
  3. the current, third era is the “cloud / mobile” way of doing things which most of us use, almost unconsciously, throughout our normal day. User-centric applications are available on mobile devices, often with a desktop version too for those who are at their main computer. The data is served from and backed up to an amorphous mass of services “in the cloud”.

Terzo Digital operates out of Surrey, UK and can provide a comprehensive suite of services for the IT industry. It was formed by Mark Davison and Neil Tubman to provide excellent software engineering services and products.


Mark Davison


Mark has almost 30 years in the software engineering business. A long period with Logica was followed by work for Metasphere as an Engineering Manager and Director. During this time he has progressed from software and occasional hardware engineer through to technical design architect on UI design, testing and interface teams. At Metasphere he led the engineering team and was instrumental in revamping the engineering practices and bringing a new product to market.

He is currently developing mobile applications on Android, editing C# .NET applications for a client and changing complex system software in C under Linux for a further client. He has always loved writing software and solving problems and is particularly enjoying picking up the newer elements in the Java ecosystem.

Mark holds a degree in Electronics from Southampton University, is a Member of the IET and is currently a member of the WITS Protocol Standards Association Committee.


Neil Tubman


Neil has led customer service and engineering teams and has previously specialised in embedded systems. He has worked as a supplier to a number of FTSE-100 businesses. He has experienced a wide variety of situations and challenges as part of an SME management team, including product lifecycle management, outsourced manufacturing, key account management, software development and support.

Neil spent several years in Logica’s Energy and Utilities division and then was part of the team that performed an MBO of the telemetry group to form Metasphere, where he worked for 8 years prior to Terzo.

He is currently developing mobile applications full-time, specialising in apps for Android devices. His remit covers the entire product lifecycle, from concept through design, development and testing, to release and post-release analytics and support.

Neil holds a degree in Physics from Oxford University.

In addition, Terzo Digital operates with a range of key, trusted partners which we have worked with over a number of years and have proven track records. This allows us to provide either specialist skills on a particular project, or to scale up to deliver projects more quickly.